Strict Whole-of-Market Advice
Unlike many mortgage advisers we do not limit our recommendations to lenders who pay commission to advisers - when researching the market for you we will also assess all lenders who will lend to you, including those who refuse to deal with intermediaries. If any particular client could get a more suitable mortgage for them by approaching a lender direct then this is exactly what we will recommend they do.
However there are some lenders who will ONLY deal with advisers and won't deal directly with clients at all, and even lenders who will deal directly with clients sometimes offer a better deal via advisers. Thus by taking advice through us you have the best of both worlds.

3. Advice & Arrangement
Once we have recommended a mortgage we will then deliver our advice. This will always be in written form and will explain precisely why we have recommended what we have.

Depending on the service you have selected and the mortgage we have recommended we will then normally then be able to arrange the mortgage for you. This means that we will liaise with the provider on your behalf, obtaining the correct documentation, applying for you and acting as go-between for you, the agent, your solicitor and the mortgage lender to ensure everything completes smoothly.

Once your mortgage is complete we'll send you an invoice for our work showing any commission received deducted from the amount owed. If the commission received is greater than our fee we'll refund the excess to you by cheque.
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02920 009 479
1. Complete a Factfind together
The first step is to discuss your situation which normally means a chat by telephone and an initial meeting which tends to take a couple of hours. We never charge for this first step. This will give us a clear idea of whether we can help you and how likely you are to be successful in your aims.

Then we will need to complete a "factfind", which is an in-depth financial questionnaire designed to ensure we have sufficient information to recommend the most suitable mortgage for you and illustrate the risks and liabilities of your situation. Key information will include your preferences and opinions, income and outgoings, other debts, your credit history and any other reasons why lenders might not choose to lend to you.

We will also assess your personal liabilities at this stage and talk through potential solutions. For example, is life and critical illness sufficient or would you be safer to take income protection? If one of you were to die you may have life cover to pay off the mortgage, but would the survivor be financially secure enough to become a fill time single parent?
2. Research the whole of the market
Your adviser will then research the whole of the market for the most suitable mortgage for you based on your assessed needs, preferences and opinions. This will involve a comprehensive cost analysis of the available options including all fees payable to take the mortgage - if a mortgage carries a significant application fee, or if the provider pays high commission to the adviser (which we always refund to our client) then this will be factored into the cost analysis.

Once the short-list of contenders is made and ranked, we will then assess your ability to successfully apply for each. This will involve assessment of the provider's lending criteria and liaison with the lenders business managers. We can never know for certain whether you will be accepted by a lender on application but we will always do our best to uncover any issues before the application is processed so surprises at this stage are rare.